Westbrook Block’s Allan Block® retaining wall system is the easiest,
most durable and most cost effective retaining wall product on the market.

Westbrook Block’s Allan Block® retaining wall system is the easiest,
most durable and most cost effective retaining wall product on the market.


Retaining Wall

Allan Block® Retaining Wall System is the easiest, most durable and most cost effective retaining wall product on the market.

A retaining wall is built as a structural wall. Its primary function is to support soil behind it or any loads or weight from above. Westbrook Block’s Allan Block® retaining wall system is the easiest, most durable and most cost effective retaining wall product on the market. Allan Block’s flexibility of design, wide assortment of sizes, styles and colors makes them the preferred product for retaining wall construction. Retaining walls can be built to support roadways and parking lots, control and manage water flow, and to develop hillsides into buildable property. In addition to larger retaining walls, smaller scale garden or landscape walls using Allan Blocks function to add definition or character to a site, improve drainage, terrace a hillside, or to shape an entry.

Material Estimates

Make it easy to estimate your materials. Choose the from the estimating tools below to quickly calculate the amount of materials for your retaining wall, patio seating wall and/or fence projects.

Retaining Walls Design & Estimating App: Mac, PC, iPad

Courtyard Patio Walls Design & Estimating App: Mac, PC, iPad

AB Estimating Tool for Retaining Walls, Patio Walls & Fences: Mac, PC


Finishes & Colors

Below is a sampling of the 300+ colors available – visit the color page for a more detailed look at available options.
Omni Block is also available as a Spectra Glaze block. Please contact us for more information: info@glenwood.westbrookblock.com






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